As a convention to make the screen shots in this article easier to understand and follow, user names will be configured with the format of userRegistry. 为了便于理解和遵循本文中的屏幕截图,我们将按照约定把用户名配置为以下格式:userRegistry。
On the next screen, select the project, the output file location, filename and the format ( ZIP or TAR) and click Finish. 在接下来的屏幕上,选择项目、输出文件位置、文件名和格式(ZIP或TAR),然后单击Finish。
The first example using PHP sends the simple Scilab command built in the previous section, which simply prints out a matrix to the screen in plain-text format. 第一个例子使用PHP发送在前一节中构建的简单Scilab命令,以纯文本的格式向屏幕打印一个矩阵。
The most important considerations for screen captures are size, file format, and available tools. 对与屏幕截图,最重要的考虑因素是图像尺寸、文件格式和可用的工具。
The output of ksh_timer will be sent to the screen in an easily readable table format ( examples are given later). kshtimer输出将以一种易于阅读的表格形式发送到屏幕(稍后给出相关示例)。
It can even display text on the phone's screen in a format that can trigger a phone call. 它甚至能以一种能够触发电话呼叫的格式在电话屏幕上显示文本。
The Output selection enables you to write selected rows to an operating system file using either Screen format or Unload format. 输出选择允许您以Screen格式Unload格式将选择的行写到操作系统文件。
Topas is a utility that displays all kinds of information on your screen in a text-based GUI type of format. topas是在屏幕上以基于文本的GUI格式显示所有信息的一款实用工具。
The next screen will ask you to save this new job, and the map and format will be created at the time of unload job execution. 下一屏幕将询问您是否保存此新作业,映射和格式将在卸载作业执行时创建。
Use the Edit Presets screen to find the video format for a mobile Web site. 使用EditPresets屏幕来寻找一个针对移动Web站点的视频格式。
When starting a new job, the screen, having one format only, allows to obtain an image already positioned and centered, according to measures and references set in advance during a previous phase. 印刷和上管的所有基本调节都是由操作界面直接管理和控制。当开始一个新的印刷产品时,操作界面的屏幕根据预先定位和设置可以得到一个已经定位图案。
From common controls, drag controls onto the main panel of the wizard screen and format as necessary. 从“公共控件”中,将控件拖到向导屏幕的主面板上,然后根据需要设置格式。
The internal format of a number is different from that which appears on screen after a SELECT because the internal format is converted to ASCII format so that it can be displayed. 数的内部格式与SELECT后在屏幕上的显示是不同的,内部格式转换为ASCII格式才能正常显示出来。
Other features include screen capturing which user can capture images and save into JPEG or BMP files format. 其他功能还包括屏幕捕捉哪些用户能够捕捉到的图像并储存成JPEG或BMP档案格式。
I didn't hear the Undead story, but it was in wide screen format and the camera moved through the Undead starter town while a lower voice explained how the Undead broke off from The Scourge. 我没有听过不死族的故事。但它是这样的:在宽屏格式下,镜头移动并穿过不死族的起始城镇,同时会有一个低沉的声音介绍不死族如何同亡灵天灾失去了联系。
Failed to create a bitmap compatible with the screen to get information about screen bitmap format. 创建与屏幕兼容的位图来获取有关屏幕位图格式信息的操作失败。
In recent years, LED panel screen has developed from displaying single text format information to showing mixed dynamic pictures. 近年来,室内异步显示应用已经从单一小型的单色文本信息发展成多种屏体结构、文本图形图像显示共存的信息发布。
Automated Generation of Screen Format File in Database 数据库表格式屏幕格式文件的自动生成
User view, which reflects the viewpoint of end users to the metadata entities, is the integration of some data, it includes all kinds of documents, report forms, account and screen data format and so on. 用户视图是一些数据的集合,它反映了最终用户读数据实体的看法,它包括各种各样的单证、报表、账册、屏幕数据格式等。
Modbus protocol is simple and intuitive, high reliability, as well as touch screen is used widely, the data format and validation code algorithm of Modbus protocol is detailed analyzed. The paper designs the communication interface circuits for industrial use touch-screen and the DSP. 由于Modbus协议直观简洁、可靠性高以及被触摸屏广泛采用,本文详尽剖析了Modbus协议的数据格式、校验码生成算法,并设计了工业用触摸屏与DSP的通信接口电路。